What files are contained in the RLV archive?
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When you download any of my RLV’s they contain min. 4 files:
DK_RLVname.avi – this is the video file used by all Tacx software
DK_RLVname.rlv – this file is used for the Fortius software
DK_RLVname.pgmf – program file used by the Fortius software (can be used in the catalyst part of the TTS software also)
DK_RLVname.tts – this file is used by the TTS1.x – 4.x software
RLVname.gpx - some RLV’s also contain a GPS file of the route
RLV installation guide:
Tacx Fortius software
How to install the files to the Fortius software:
Place all files in the same folder and run the DK_RLVname.part1.exe file - that will generate the files for the RLV
There is no installation file so you will have to copy the files to the correct folders.
In the download there are 4 files but only 3 of them are used in the Fortius software:
DK_RLVname.pgmf DK_RLVname.rlv DK_RLVname.avi
“DK_RLVname.pgmf” file is placed in the ”programs” folder
“DK_RLVname.rlv” file is placed in the ”video” folder
Now you have to make a new folder inside the “video” folder - the name of the folder must be “DK_RLVname”. Important: Use the same capitalization for the new folder as used in the .avi file. The ”DK_RLVname.avi” file has to be placed in the new folder.
Run your fortius software and test your new RLV
Tacx Fortius software 3
TTS 3.X software: How to install .tts
Installing RLV’s into TTS is somewhat easier than installing RLV’s in the “old” Fortius software. You need 2 files for the TTS software: the video file .avi and the .tts file. After unarchiving the download, copy or move the folder to your hard disk, DVD or NAS.
Now start your TTS and: First select “Import”, “TTS Training Import”
Now you need to browse to the folder where the .tts file is located(folder where you unarchived the download) . Here it’s the freeware ES_Tenerife RLV .tts file After selecting that you get a message “Can’t find the video file” – click the “Browse” button.
Now you have to browse to the folder where the video file is located – in this case it’s inside the ES_Tenerife folder.
Open the folder(double-click on it) and click on the ES_Tenerife.avi file
If all goes as planned the video will be visible in the TTS software, and you are ready to go!
Tacx Fortius software 4
TTS 4 Advanced has the same import options as TTS 3.x - use the TTS 3.x guide or look below.
NO guarantee that my RLV works on TTS 4 and up - it is not possible for me to test compatibility with TTS4. I only test my RLV on TTS 1 to TTS3 and know they will work on those versions.
TTS 4 Basic
The video file RLVname.avi can be placed anywhere on your harddisk/network/NAS, but the RLVname.tts has to be placed in a special folder on your harddrive.
The folder is hidden by default, it is therefore necessary to make it visible.
Now the hidden folders and files are visible in your file browser.
Open your file browser and you should now be able to see the “ProgramData” folder on your harddrive(C:)
Open the ProgramData folder and locate the “RLV” folder as shown below: This is where you have to place all the RLVname.tts files
Close your file-browser and start your TTS4.
Select "Real Life Video" and RLV, now use the browse button to locate the RLVname.avi(you can place the videofile anywhere on your harddisk/network/NAS).
If all goes as planned the video will be visible in the TTS software, and you are ready to go!
Something is not working(problems playing video or high resistance on the brake)....... Try to look in Troubleshooting TTS